Top 10k strings from Dominoes (1983)(Phipps Associates).tzx
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3 ;"My score = ";co; 3 ;" "; 2 a(w(h),v(h))=3 2 a(v(h),w(h))=3 2 ;"Your score"; 2 ;"You = ";hum; 2 ;"Computer = ";com 2 ;" Your score = ";hu 2 ;" " 1 po=po+v(i): 1 b$="544555" 1 b$="5442": 1 b$(x));" "; 1 a(y1,x1)=3 1 a(x1,y1)=3 1 YOUR DOMINOES 1 Dominoes - D.G. Cross 1 DOMINOESI 1 DOMINOES ~ 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"Your turn: can you go? (y or n) ": 1 ;"You start:enter number of domino":: 1 ;"Total of end dominoes = 5+5+5 = 15",,,"(Note: both ends of double ",,"dominoe count.)" 1 ;"Total of end dominoes = 5+2 = 7" 1 ;"This is the 48K version and you only have a 16K machine! Turn the tape over and try the other side, please.": 1 ;"The winner is the first player ",,"to score exactly 72 points. ",,"Points over 72 are deducted from",,"72. For example; 71 +4 =69 ",,"If neither player can play a ",,"domino, a new set is started. ",,"A player using all the pieces ",,"is awarded 5 points before a new",,"set is given to both players ",,,,,,"Press any key to start the game." 1 ;"TOSS NO ";num 1 ;"Result"; 1 ;"Press a key"; 1 ;"Points scored = 15/3 + 15/5 = 8",,,,,"(Press any key for another example.)" 1 ;"Please wait:I am getting ready"; 1 ;"Please wait: Program loading. " 1 ;"OH DEAR!"'' 1 ;"NOW IT IS TIME TO DECIDE WHO IS TO START. ": 1 ;"My score"; 1 ;"In this game you will be playing",,"against me. We will both be ",,"given eight dominoes and then we",,"take turns to place them on the ",,"table end to end. A piece may ",,"only be played if one of the end",,"numbers is the same as one of ",,"the ends of pieces already ",,"played. ",,"(Press any key to continue) " 1 ;"If one player cannot play a ",,"piece then the other player ",,"takes a turn. When a piece is ",,"played a replacement piece is ",,"taken from the unassigned pieces",,"if any exist. ",,"The number of points awarded ",,"when a piece is played is calcul",,"ated by adding the two end ",,"dominoes. ",,,,"(Press any key to continue.) " 1 ;"I have won and will start. ": 1 ;"I have ";ha;" dominoes in my hand. " 1 ;"I HAVE NO DOMINOES LEFT " 1 ;"Dominoes used:"; 1 ;"Do you want heads or tails? " 1 ;"Computer"; 1 ;"Both ends of a double domino ",,"count towards the total. For ",,"points to be scored this total ",,"must be exactly divisible by 3 ",,"or 5. The number of points is ",,"the dividend.",,,,,,"Press any key for an example of ","the scoring." 1 ;"Added to right or left of line? ": 1 ;"7 is not exactly divisible by 3 nor 5. Therefore no points are scored.",,,,,,,"(Press any key to continue.)" 1 ;"** I have decided on my move **": 1 ;"(y or n)": 1 ;" I am making my move "; 1 ;" Do you want the instructions? " 1 ;" DOMINOES " 1 ;" Cheat: you can move domino no.";i: 1 ;" A coin is going to be tossed 5 times. ",," You may call heads or tails. ",,"If you succeed with 3 calls thenyou may start the game: if you are correct less than three times then the computer starts. ",,,,"Good luck: press any key to start the toss. " 1 ;" = ";co; 1 ;" You have won and may start ": 1 ;" NO MORE MOVES ARE POSSIBLE " 1 ;" I am thinking of my move "; 1 ;" Enter number of domino "; 1 ;" Another game?(y or n) "; 1 ;" No more dominoes unassigned ": 1 ;" dominoes unassigned "; 1 ;" THANK YOU AND GOODBYE "; 1 ;" (enter h or t) ": 1 ;" WAIT A NEW GAME IS STARTING " 1 ;" BAD LUCK: I HAVE WON " 1 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222200000000222222222222222222222222000000002222222222222222222222220000000022222222222222222222222200000000222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220000000222222222222222222222222000000002222222222222222222222200000000222222222222222222222220000000022222222222222222222222000000002222222222222222222222200000000222222222222222222222220000000022222222222222222222222000000002222222222222222222222200000000222222222222222222222222000000022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 1983 Phipps Associates 1 +mover*100 1 "DOMINOESI" 1 "DOMINOES" 1 " " 1 You have no dominoes left 1 Move is being made 1 Move impossible; enter again 1 1983 PHIPPS ASSOCIATES 1 THIS PROGRAM IS PROTECTED 1 I have no dominoes left 1 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON